Did I Hear That Right?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Musical #14

"That's a pie crust promise. Easily made, easily broken."

Update: Yes, it's Mary Poppins. This contains what was possibly Walt Disney's favorite song from one of his movies, Feed the Birds. The Sherman brothers, who wrote the songs, tell a story of the last week before Walt went to the hospital for the last time. He was already looking pretty frail, and he came into an office where the Sherman brothers were, and said "Play that song". They knew he meant Feed the Birds. After he finished, Walt left, and it was the last time they saw him.


  • oooh, so familiar. maybe it will come to me. I did know the last one though after the 3rd clue... I mean the quote had "bicuspid" in it, how would I NOT know that one!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:18 PM  

  • It's Mary Poppins!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:08 AM  

  • AH! I didn't get to work early enough to get that one!

    By Blogger Mrs. D_Long, at 9:36 AM  

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