Did I Hear That Right?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Name Game #2

"Everything's gonna happen for me, just so long as I never have no in my heart."

Update: Another clue that's totally different from the first one:
"Well, I was born without the top of my skull.."

Update: Expanding the previous quote:
"Well, I was born without the top of my skull and I guess a little bit of my brains was showin' and it was grossin' everybody out so my mom put this wig on me to cover it up and then the bones grew together and it got all infused and entwined. I mean I don't mean to get all scientific with you..."

Update: I know Adam has seen this movie...Let's try another clue:
"Now, you're telling me you were so ingrained with white trash DNA, your facial hair actually grows in on its own all white trashy like that?"

Update: Yes, it is the sometimes inappropriate Joe Dirt, the white trash, mullet-wearing guy with the ever optomistic attitude no matter what happens to him. Also starring the dependably funny Christopher Walken.


  • Polyanna? It seems like an optimistic thing she might say.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 PM  

  • it makes me think of Shirley Temple, but I can't think of the right movie.

    By Blogger Mrs. D_Long, at 9:36 AM  

  • The quote is a bit deceiving. It is an upbeat quote, but from an unlikely source.

    This is a more obscure movie. It just happened to be on TV recently and I noticed the 'name' title.

    By Blogger Danny, at 10:21 AM  

  • haha, nice quote. definitely NOT Polyanna now...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:05 AM  

  • Wow. I have absolutely no idea, but it'll be very interesting to find out what the answer is. :-)

    By Blogger Kat, at 12:21 PM  

  • I was about to write that I have no idea when I got an idea. I think it's Joe Dirt. Hilarious (and fairly inappropriate for those concerned about such things).

    By Blogger adam, at 4:30 PM  

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