Did I Hear That Right?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Name Game #8

"...a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy."

Update: Another clue:
"Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

Update: There have actually been quite a few movie versions made of Hamlet, and these quotes were probably in all of them.


  • The Court Jester? The 1st quote contains the word "jest" and the 2nd sounds like they're talking to a baby - and isn't there a baby with a birthmark in that movie or something?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:26 PM  

  • I can see from the style of dialogue how you might think that, but remember, the title will be a proper name and not just descriptive of a character.

    By Blogger Danny, at 2:36 PM  

  • Sounds Shakesperian. If it wasn't for the fact that a potental name for our daughter was coming from this play I might not have gotten it. But then again, Mel Gibson starred him awhile ago too, so maybe I would have.


    By Blogger Around the world in 80 beers, at 4:03 PM  

  • Rats. I thought Hamlet, but then second guessed myself. That'll learn me!

    By Blogger Kat, at 11:19 PM  

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