Did I Hear That Right?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Name Game #19

"What does an actor want with a conscience anyway?"

Update: Another clue:
"Give a bad boy enough rope, and he'll soon make a jackass of himself."

Update: Another clue:
"Hey, who's the beetle?"
"Put me down!"
"He's my conscience. He tells me what's right and wrong."

Update: It is Pinocchio. You may have noticed quite a few Disney movies in this category. I was amazed at how many are simply the name of a character.


  • These Name Game quotes are giving me trouble, but I'll throw out a guess anyway and say "Bowfinger".

    By Blogger adam, at 4:49 PM  

  • I checked. I was way off.

    By Blogger adam, at 4:51 PM  

  • Pinocchio?

    The second quote actually made me think this but I wasn't sure. This last one I'm more certain.

    By Blogger WallaWallaDay, at 6:56 AM  

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