Did I Hear That Right?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Conversation Between Two Characters

"There are 72,519 stones in my walls. I've counted them many times. "

"But have you named them yet?"

Update: Yes, it is The Count of Monte Cristo. And kudos to Mrs Ham for refraining from using her Google results.


  • I know! I know! But I googled it, and that's cheating, so I'll disqualify myself for this round.

    By Blogger Lola Bacon, at 11:59 AM  

  • I know it as well, but without the aid of Google, so I say this quote is from "The Count of Monte Cristo." Excellent movie choice today Dad.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:20 PM  

  • I knew it, but I wasn't quick enough.

    By Blogger adam, at 5:41 PM  

  • Great movie! I need to see it again!

    By Blogger Mrs. D_Long, at 9:35 AM  

  • anyone here own it?

    By Blogger Mrs. D_Long, at 9:36 AM  

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