Did I Hear That Right?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sequel #2

"They're trying to kill us."
"I know, Dad."
"This is a new experience for me."
"It happens to me all the time."

Update: On the right track...Another clue:
"You are named after the dog? "

Update: There you go...Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


  • I am still checking too and I recognized the last one and recognize this one, but am unable to place it.

    By Blogger adam, at 2:49 PM  

  • I check every morning. It's apart of my morning routine, here at work. =) I recognized the Rocky one for sure. This one...I don't know yet. The first line is in Moulin Rouge-- my favorite. But obviously not the right answer.

    By Blogger Mrs. D_Long, at 11:03 AM  

  • My guess is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

    (Again giving credit for the exact name to someone else - Joey August) My first thought was, the second Indiana Jones movie.

    By Blogger WallaWallaDay, at 8:40 AM  

  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:47 AM  

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