Did I Hear That Right?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Name Game #19

"What does an actor want with a conscience anyway?"

Update: Another clue:
"Give a bad boy enough rope, and he'll soon make a jackass of himself."

Update: Another clue:
"Hey, who's the beetle?"
"Put me down!"
"He's my conscience. He tells me what's right and wrong."

Update: It is Pinocchio. You may have noticed quite a few Disney movies in this category. I was amazed at how many are simply the name of a character.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Name Game #18

"They say you think morals are pictures on walls and scruples is money in Russia."

Update: You guys are good....It is Sabrina. One of my favorite quotes:

"You guys work Sundays now?"
"It's Wednesday, David."

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Name Game #17

"Any guy can sweep any girl off her feet, he just needs the right broom."

Update: Very good. My wife was also able to identify Hitch.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Name Game #16

"We looked for the good in them, and we found it, didn't we?"

Update: Another clue:

"I see your point. Strike hard on Sunday the excessiveness of God's wrath and hope they carry it with them a few days into the week!"

Update: Another one:

"My father always used to say that if we ever had the kind of money you have, we'd have steak and ice cream three times every day!"

Update: It was more challenging to find quotes without the word 'glad' in it, as anyone who has seen Pollyanna know that she was always playing the 'glad game'.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Name Game #15

"Every woman is a mystery to be solved."

Update: Another clue:
"Women react to me in the way they do, Don Octavio, because they sense that I search out the beauty that lies within until it overwhelms everything else."

Update: I'm impressed. It is Don Juan DeMarco, starring Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Name Game #14

"I was afraid of worms"

Update: A very enjoyable movie, Roxanne

Another quote:
"I have a dream. It's not a big dream, it's just a little dream. My dream - and I hope you don't find this too crazy - is that I would like the people of this community to feel that if, God forbid, there were a fire, calling the fire department would actually be a wise thing to do. You can't have people, if their houses are burning down, saying, "Whatever you do, don't call the fire department!" That would be bad."

Friday, July 13, 2007

Name Game #13

"It left us speechless, quite speechless I tell you, and we have not stopped talking of it since."

Update: Good form, Kat! It is indeed Emma. (I would have been surprised if you didn't get it)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Name Game #12

"Don't even think about it."
"How'd you know it was me?"
"I'm your mother. I know everything. Now, where have you been?"
"I thought you knew everything."

Update: Another clue:
"Even if you hadn't grown up a savage, you'd be lost. There are no trails through a woman's heart."

Update: "I'll be the best ape ever!".....Tarzan

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Name Game #11

"I have rid England of her enemies. What do I do now? Am I to be made of stone? Must I be touched by nothing?"

Update: Another clue:
"Does not a queen sit under the same stars as any other woman?"

Update: This is a harder one. Another clue:
"You are accused of conspiring with Sir Thomas Wyatt and others against Her Sovereign Majesty, and are arrested for treason. I have been commanded to take you hence from this place... to the Tower."

Update: Another one:
"I am not Queen yet!"
"But you will be. ________, Queen of England. A court to worship you, a country to obey you. Poems written revering your beauty, music composed in your honor, and they will mean nothing to you. I will mean nothing to you."

Update: Very good. To fill in the blank, it is Elizabeth, starring Cate Blanchett, who was nominated for Best Actress.

Name Game #10

"We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well, and live."

Update: Ramming Speed! That was quick. It is indeed Ben-Hur.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Name Game #9

"What the flip was Grandma doing at the sand dunes?"

Update: Correct. My favorite quote from Napoleon Dynamite:
"I caught you a delicious bass." One of the great pick-up lines of all time.