Did I Hear That Right?

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Disney Week Finale

"I told you, I blew a fuse when I totaled that electrical tower. I was checking out some daisies."

"You were looking at FLOWERS!"

Update: Very good. It is The Flight of the Navigator.

This was a film from the 80s, and since the majority of the people checking this blog were born or grew up in the 80s, I thought I would salute the movies you probably grew up with.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Disney Week #5

"Hm. Teenagers. They think they know everything. You give them an inch, they swim all over you."

Update: Yes, it's The Little Mermaid, in honor of the DVD release this week (which is on my Christmas list).

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Disney Week #4

"Help, I'm a prisoner! I can't get out!"

"We all prisoners, chickee-baby. We all locked in."

Update: Not getting many takers on this one. Try another quote:

"What part of Ireland did you say your mother came from?"
"Coney Ireland."

Update: OK. Here's one that actually applies to the plot.

"They make ten thousand cars, they make them exactly the same way, and one or two of 'em turn out to be something special. Nobody knows why. "

Update: The correct answer is "The Love Bug". This was the 2nd highest grossing film of 1969. The first quote is one of my favorites. Michelle Lee (the female lead) is trying to get out of Herbie. She yells at a couple of hippies in a van next to her. It is one of the hippies that utters the chickee-baby line. What most people don't know is the hippie was played by Dean Jones (Jim Douglas). He really wanted to do it, so he showed up on the set one day dressed in a long beard, sunglasses, and long hair to show he could do it.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Disney Week #3

"Them that die'll be the lucky ones!"

Update: That was quick. It is Treasure Island. I love the quote, particularly the way Robert Newton says it. He had the perfect pirate voice. He actually made a non-Disney sequel called Long John Silver, and also a short-lived TV series.

Here is some trivia about Treasure Island:
This was the first entirely live-action movie made by Disney. They were required by British law to re-invest profits from the animated movies in England. Rather than opening up another animation studio, he began making other types of movies. Other titles during this time were Kidnapped, The Fighting Prince of Donagal, and Rob Roy, The Highland Rogue.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Disney Week #2

Here's today's. It's from one of my favorite animated movies.

"You're human, with the flesh, and the hair, and the navel lint."

Update: Here is an expanded version of this quote that may be helpful:

"You're human, with the flesh, and the hair, and the navel lint. We're just part of the architecture."

Update: Yes....This is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It is probably the most adult of the animated features. It wasn't quite as popular as some of the other recent features, which isn't surprising considering you're dealing with murder, lust, and genocide. Seems like other studios can release more adult-themed animated features, but if it has the Disney name, it better have characters you can turn into plush (gargoyles? I don't think so). Anyway, it has great music and is actually somewhat faithful to the book (except that Esmeralda lives).

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Disney Week #1

"I have an excellent idea, Let's change the subject!"

(remember - I try to start with challenging ones first)

Update: Yes, this is from Alice in Wonderland. Spoken by the March Hare, it was one of many great quotes I could have used, such as:

Mad Hatter: Would you like a little more tea?
Alice: Well, I haven't had any yet, so I can't very well take more.
March Hare: Ah, you mean you can't very well take less.
Mad Hatter: Yes. You can always take more than nothing.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Let's try an easier one

"She seemed so solemn and cross."

"Never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint."

Update: OK, that was a pretty unknown quote from a very known movie. Someone ought to get it from this one:

"That's a pie crust promise. Easily made easily broken."

Update: Yes, this is Mary Poppins. I don't know if I would have guessed it from the first quote, but I thought it was pretty funny.

This begins Disney week. All of the quotes come from Disney movies, both animated and live action.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Time to get more obscure

OK. We have a lot of great players here, so I'm going to try a few more obscure quotes. If you're familiar with the movie, you should still get it.

Don't worry (and don't Google) if you can't figure it out. If no one has a guess, I will add a clue, possibly as another quote from the same movie.

Here's the quote:

"I want a wedding in church with bridesmaids and flowers."

"Whoa. How many times did you say that spontaneous was romantic?"

"Hey, a burp is spontaneous. A burp is not romantic."

Update: By request, here is another quote from the movie:

"What's this over here?"

"You ever heard of grits?"

"Sure I've heard of grits. I just never actually "seen" a grit before."

Update - 9/21: As promised, here is another quote:

"Uh..Did you say yutes?"

"Yeah, two yutes."

"What is a yute?"

"Oh, excuse me, your honor...Two 'youths'"

(hint: think New York accent)

Update - 9/22: Congratulations, Janakianne!
The correct movie is "My Cousin Vinny" with Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei (who won best supporting actress for the role of Mona Lisa Vito). As I mentioned, this is a hilarious movie best watched on cable TV with the worst of the language modified. The courtroom scenes are priceless. This was also the last film made by Fred Gwynne, better known for his role as Herman Munster.

Here is an audio clip:

this is an audio post - click to play

Conversation Between Two Characters

"There are 72,519 stones in my walls. I've counted them many times. "

"But have you named them yet?"

Update: Yes, it is The Count of Monte Cristo. And kudos to Mrs Ham for refraining from using her Google results.

Monday, September 18, 2006

An Easy One for Today

"So shines a good deed in a weary world."

Update: Correct! This is from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, spoken by Gene Wilder.

Friday, September 15, 2006

You Might Learn Something From this Quote

"Thanks, Mr. Narwhal"

If you get stuck on this, follow this link for a hint:

Update: Mrs Ham correctly answered Elf. I always thought that Buddy was saying Thanks, Mr Norwall, in the same way that someone would say Thanks, Mr Jones. I had never heard of a Narwhal. Frankly, I think it would have been funnier if Buddy had just picked a random name instead of naming the creature, but that's just me.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Next Quote

Try this one on for size:

"Eunice? There's a person called Eunice?"

Update: Mr Relational answered correctly with "What's Up Doc?"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dancing With The Stars

So I watched the first installment of the new season of Dancing With the Stars. Being a fan of ballroom dance, I think the exposure is great. I do, however, need to get a few things off my chest that bug me about the show:
1. The Italian judge, Bruno, has got to go. He seems to only give the highest marks to the women. I mentioned to my wife that I bet the men would get higher marks if they wore less clothes.
2. The studio audience. They think everyone should be given a 10 and boo when one of the judges gives constructive criticism. Has the 'self-esteem' mentality of our society now reached the point where we can't say anything negative to people, even if it would make them better at what they do, and therefore enhance their esteem?
3. The voting process. I think they should make the first few cuts based on the judges voting, like American Idol. That weeds out the really weak dancers. Last season, Master P was a total embarrassment, but he stayed on the show for weeks because of fan voting. This means that the voting has nothing to do with the actual ability of the dancers, only their popularity.
4. Cutting a dancer after only one dance. The first week, the men did a Cha Cha and the women did a Fox Trot. These are two completely different types of dance. One dancer may be better at the smooth dances (Fox Trot, Waltz) where another could excel at the Latin dances (Cha Cha, Salsa). The dancers should all have the opportunity to dance both styles to see if they really have potential before booting them.

Other than that, it's a fun show.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Today's Quote

"That was unexpected!"

Feel free to guess the source - (hint: movie)

Update - 9/14: We have a winner! The correct movie was Strictly Ballroom.

And so it begins....

I have often wondered why I hadn't started a blog until now. I like writing and some have said that I write good well. I can be somewhat shy, so that may have kept me from declaring my thoughts publicly.

It took awhile, but I may have discovered the reason....I've been lazy. I don't think the actual writing of posts would be a problem. It's just that every time I would start the process of setting up the blog, it seemed like too much trouble or some solitaire game was calling. Plus, it was hard coming up with a name that hadn't already been taken.

Why "myoneliner"? Well, I have always enjoyed quotes (mostly movie and TV quotes), and have friends that often communicate in quotes. I have even come up with a few one-liners of my own. So I thought that a portion of the blog will be a quote of the day (week, month, bicentennial). Feel free to leave a comment if you think you know the source.